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From Open Government: September is a month for back to school, fresh starts and back to work! We hope you have enjoyed plenty of fun in the sun this summer! Here’s a peak at some of what we have been working on lately. Your Chance to Get Involved
Just released today - income data from the 2016 Census.
As Canada marks its 150th anniversary, Statistics Canada continues to share its year-long story of our country and its people.
CCSD is involved in a working group on Sector-Wide Data.
On September 13, 2017, Statistics Canada will release the fourth wave of data from the 2016 Census, covering income.
We now have 2015 taxfiler data! Family tables:
The Government of Canada initiative on Measuring Poverty Reduction wants to work together to reduce poverty in Canada.
Individuals who have both a mental and substance use disorder at the same time are more likely to experience poor psychological health, use more health services and report unmet needs than a person with only one type of disorder.
Powered by Data has just published a set of reports based on the discussions at Transform the Sector 2017.
As Canada celebrates its 150th anniversary, Statistics Canada will publish the latest chapter in the story of our country and its people.
On August 2, Statistics Canada will release the third wave of data from the 2016 Census, covering families, households, marital status and language. In his third webinar in an ongoing series examining census results, demographic expert Dr.
Digital literacy goes beyond data management, statistics, and visualization - it drives the impact investment movement, social media for good efforts, and collective evaluation and evidence-based decision making efforts!
Northern Policy Institute's State of the North is an annual conference that brings together policy experts and community leaders to explore the state of Northern Ontario from economic, social and environmental pers
Ed Manley, an urban researcher in the UK, decided to take open data from Winnipeg and make dot density maps. One shows variation in ethnicity, one shows linguistic variation, and another shows income disparity.
Community Data Program Annual Meeting 2017 This year's Annual Meeting was held in Kingston. It was a wonderful event with lots of discussion and ideas! Thank you to those who joined online!
The average hourly wage paid to full-time payroll employees in 2016 was $27.70, excluding overtime pay, tips, and incentive and performance pay. Wages varied notably across occupations and geographic regions.
If you are in Winnipeg, MB, on June 12-13, 2017... join the 2017 CIC Community Indicators Symposium.  The focus is on Engaging Values / Effective Methods: Rooting Indicators in Community Aspirations.
Data Power 2017 is a two-day, international conference organized by Carleton and Sheffield universities. It follows the successful 2015 conference, held in the UK.
Here's a new report from HUMA on poverty! The HUMA committee is the Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities.  The committee reports to the House of Commons on the following matters:
Now there's a video series that captures the highlights of Transform the Sector 2017!
Miss out on any of the webinars hosted by Environics Analytics? You can view the event recording and download the presentation here: EA's webcasts:
Join the Open Government Office as they take you on a journey through the Open Data publishing process! This interactive training session will take you through the steps required to turn your ministry's or agency's data into Open Data as required by the Open Data Directive.
Canadian agriculture has grown with the country Total farm sales reached $69.4 billion in 2015, as Canada remains one of the world leading exporters of agriculture products.
On May 3rd 2017, Statistics Canada will publish the second series of results from the 2016 Census of Population. This will focus on the age and sex distribution of the Canadian population and on the types of dwellings in 2016.