Community Data Program Annual Meeting 2017
This year's Annual Meeting was held in Kingston. It was a wonderful event with lots of discussion and ideas! Thank you to those who joined online!
Read the report for an outline of the Annual Meeting, including discussions and actions arising from the meeting: Annual Meeting Report 2017
Here are some other documents from the annual meeting:
- 2016-2017 Annual Report
- Agenda for the Meeting
- CCSD-CDP Presentation
- Presentations by CDP Leads
- Toronto - Making the Most of the 2016 Census
- Calgary - Building Local Capacity
- Northern Ontario - Turning Local Data into Evidence Based Decisions
- Wellington Dufferin Guelph - Child and Youth Report Card Website
- Simcoe County - 20,000 Home Campaign
and CDP Data Use
- York Region - Low Income Dynamics using LAD
- Draft Schedule B 2017-2018
- Draft Vision and Strategic Plan
Here are some links that came out of discussions: