Montreal-based Powered by Data is sharing their new project on administrative data sharing.
The Community Data Project's Annual Report for the year ending March 31, 2018 is now available.
Statistics Canada is hosting a “Chat with an Expert” session- Gross domestic product by industry: Provinces and territories, 2017.
From Statistics Canada:
The next T1FF webinar will be held on May 8. This webinar series is intended to help you understand basic (standard) taxfiler tables and learn how to better use them.
Are you in the Ottawa area and want to learn more about how community data is used in the non-profit sector? Take advantage of a special discount for the 7th annual Leveraging Our Strengths Conference.
In 2018, Statistics Canada changed how the Census Family Low Income Measure was calculated. Two new papers explain the use of the Low Income Measure from the T1 Family File.
Many were excited when Sidewalk Labs (the urban innovation branch of Google’s Alphabet) won a competition to develop Toronto’s Quayside neighbourhood, promising to integrate data and urban design.
Accessibility Ontario has a great initiative with two webinars next month:
We are keeping the CDP User Survey open a bit longer.
Why get involved? Action plans help set commitments and define how we will make progress for a two-year period.
Examples of commitments from previous plans:
From the Community Indicators Consortium in the US, an interesting webinar on how Essex County (Massachusetts) tracks their quality of life indicators.
From Statistics Canada:
Statistics Canada is offering a new workshop based on the 2016 Census in Toronto and Ottawa this March!
How to Use Census Data (1 Day)
CDP members will want to check out the latest SPAR Monitor, newsletter sent out by the Social Policy Analysis & Research unit of the Social Development, Finance and Administration division at the City of Toronto.
Want to keep track of CDP’s latest acquisitions? Schedule B lists data products that the CCSD Community Data Program intends to acquire during the 2017-2018 program year (running from April 1 to March 31).
Canada’s biggest cities tend to get most of the attention when we talk about data, but there are many resources for rural communities as well.
This year, 2018, is the 100th anniversary of Statistics Canada, created as the Dominion Bureau of Statistics in 1918. The agency shows no signs of slowing down in its old age, in fact, it’s just getting started- in the world of data, 100 could well be the new 30!
This new report from Toronto’s Mowat Centre considers data in the charitable sector.
Presentation slides from this week's webinar with Statistics Canada are now available in English and French.<
CDP's winter newsletter is now available in your mailbox or here on our site.
Statistics Canada is offering a “Chat with an expert” this Friday on the Full-time University and College Academic Staff (FT-UCASS): 2016-2017 survey.
From Statistics Canada:
Statistics Canada is working with CMHC to fill in gaps in housing data.
Still hungry for data after the final census release? You’re in luck! Statistics Canada has an early holiday gift for CDP members.
Today, Statistics Canada released its final data series from the 2016 Census. Read CDP’s latest newsletter to get more information about what’s available.
This Wednesday (Nov 29) Statistics Canada will release the final installment of the 2016 Census data. This release will include education, labour, journey to work, language of work, mobility and migration. CDP will prepare a summary for members on Wednesday.
Consortium Lead Cheryl Hitchen (also Kingston's manager of social policy and strategic development) is making news with a data-based proposal to replace senior discounts with discounts for low-income residents.