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This year, 2018, is the 100th anniversary of Statistics Canada, created as the Dominion Bureau of Statistics in 1918. The agency shows no signs of slowing down in its old age, in fact, it’s just getting started- in the world of data, 100 could well be the new 30!
This new report from Toronto’s Mowat Centre considers data in the charitable sector.
Presentation slides from this week's webinar with Statistics Canada are now available in English and French.
CDP's winter newsletter is now available in your mailbox or here on our site.
Statistics Canada is offering a “Chat with an expert” this Friday on the Full-time University and College Academic Staff (FT-UCASS): 2016-2017 survey. From Statistics Canada:
Statistics Canada is working with CMHC to fill in gaps in housing data.
Still hungry for data after the final census release? You’re in luck! Statistics Canada has an early holiday gift for CDP members.
Today, Statistics Canada released its final data series from the 2016 Census. Read CDP’s latest newsletter to get more information about what’s available.
This Wednesday (Nov 29) Statistics Canada will release the final installment of the 2016 Census data. This release will include education, labour, journey to work, language of work, mobility and migration. CDP will prepare a summary for members on Wednesday.
Consortium Lead Cheryl Hitchen (also Kingston's manager of social policy and strategic development) is making news with a data-based proposal to replace senior discounts with discounts for low-income residents.
CDP members, and the public at large, have until Dec 8 to provide feedback for the next census. Let Statistics Canada know how you use the census and what information would be helpful for your community to have. From Statistics Canada:
From the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) and Statistics Canada:
Halton Region data folks- check out “Making Data Work For Your,” a Community Development Halton workshop. Ted Hildebrandt, Director of Social Planning is presenting. Topics include: Halton’s changing demographics, the purpose of statistics, and practical ways to use data.
Still making sense of the recent Census data release? Statistics Canada is providing a webinar on the most recent data products. To be discussed:
Following the recent release of Census Data on Aboriginal Peoples, Statistics Canada is providing a free online learning session.
Those of you around Winnipeg may want to check out "Canadian agriculture: evolution and innovation," a presentation and panel discussion from Statistics Canada.
Next week, Statistics Canada is offering a free online learning session on the 2016 Census of Population – Immigration, Ethnocultural Diversity and Housing. This webinar will provide a helpful introduction to the data released last week.
Are you interested in starting an open data project for your municipality or organization?
Just released: Data on Aboriginal peoples, immigration and ethnocultural diversity, and housing from the 2016 Census program.
The study Chronic Low Income Among Immigrants in Canada and its Communities provides new evidence on the incidence of chronic low income among immigrants aged 25 or older during the 2000s as well as variations across 29 Canadian cities
Alan Broadbent writes What We Don’t Know:
The Newsletter from the Homeless Partnering Strategy has a few updates:
Statistics Canada is conducting a public consultation on the 2021 Census of Population from September to December 2017. We encourage you to participate in this online consultation and to forward information about the consultation to other census data users.
From the Association of Public Data Users (APDU):