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This catalogue provides access to a selection of Community Data Program resources for Local Immigration Partnerships (LIPs) that are not members of a community data consortium.

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Title Geographies Years within data Posted Sort ascending
Immigration and Housing Dashboard, 2021
PRODUCT GROUP: Data analysis and visualization tools
TOPIC: Data tools , TOPIC: Cultural identity , TOPIC: Immigration , TOPIC: Housing , TOPIC: Mobility , TOPIC: Finances , TOPIC: Income
Census Division, Census Subdivision, Custom Geographies, Province and Territory 2021
IRCC Permanent Resident Admission Tables, 1998 to 2023
PRODUCT GROUP: Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada data
TOPIC: Cultural identity , TOPIC: Immigration , TOPIC: Demographics , TOPIC: Age, Sex and Population , TOPIC: Families , TOPIC: Education , TOPIC: Highest Certificate, Degree or Diploma , TOPIC: Work , TOPIC: Type of Work and Occupation
Census Division, Census Metropolitan Area, Census Subdivision, Province and Territory 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
Age groups (12), Highest certificate, diploma or degree (16), Selected demographic characteristics (28), Gender (3) and Income in 2020 (36), for the Population in private households, 2021 Census of population - 25% sample data
PRODUCT GROUP: Census, 2021 - Data tables
TOPIC: Cultural identity , TOPIC: Aboriginal Peoples , TOPIC: Immigration , TOPIC: Visible minority , TOPIC: Demographics , TOPIC: Age, Sex and Population , TOPIC: Education , TOPIC: Highest Certificate, Degree or Diploma , TOPIC: Income , TOPIC: Individual Income
Aggregate Dissemination Area, Census Agglomeration, Census Division, Census Metropolitan Area, Census Subdivision, Province and Territory 2021
Longitudinal Immigration Database Dashboard, 2015-2021
PRODUCT GROUP: Data analysis and visualization tools
TOPIC: Data tools , TOPIC: Cultural identity , TOPIC: Immigration , TOPIC: Housing , TOPIC: Mobility , TOPIC: Finances , TOPIC: Taxfilers , TOPIC: Income , TOPIC: Individual Income , TOPIC: Source of Income
Census Division, Census Subdivision, Custom Geographies, Province and Territory 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021
IRCC Settlement Services Tables, 1998 to 2023
PRODUCT GROUP: Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada data
TOPIC: Cultural identity , TOPIC: Immigration , TOPIC: Demographics , TOPIC: Age, Sex and Population , TOPIC: Families , TOPIC: Education , TOPIC: Highest Certificate, Degree or Diploma , TOPIC: Work , TOPIC: Type of Work and Occupation
Census Subdivision 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
IRCC Temporary Resident Admission Tables, 2015 to 2023
PRODUCT GROUP: Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada data
TOPIC: Cultural identity , TOPIC: Immigration , TOPIC: Demographics , TOPIC: Age, Sex and Population , TOPIC: Families , TOPIC: Education , TOPIC: Highest Certificate, Degree or Diploma , TOPIC: Work , TOPIC: Type of Work and Occupation
Census Metropolitan Area, Census Subdivision, Province and Territory 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
Target group profile of the population by immigration and citizenship status, Census, 2021
PRODUCT GROUP: Census, 2021 - Target group profile
TOPIC: Cultural identity , TOPIC: Immigration
Aggregate Dissemination Area, Census Agglomeration, Census Division, Census Metropolitan Area, Census Subdivision, Census Tract, Custom Geographies, Dissemination Area, Province and Territory 2021
Selected household and housing characteristics (102), Admission category and applicant type (13), Period of immigration (16) and Gender (3) for the Population in Private Households, 2021 Census - 25% Sample Data
PRODUCT GROUP: Census, 2021 - Data tables
TOPIC: Cultural identity , TOPIC: Immigration , TOPIC: Language , TOPIC: Demographics , TOPIC: Age, Sex and Population , TOPIC: Children and Youth , TOPIC: Families , TOPIC: Lone-parent families , TOPIC: Education , TOPIC: Highest Certificate, Degree or Diploma , TOPIC: Location of Study , TOPIC: Housing , TOPIC: Housing Affordability , TOPIC: Housing Type , TOPIC: Tenure and Vacancy , TOPIC: Work , TOPIC: Labour Force , TOPIC: Income , TOPIC: Individual Income , TOPIC: Low income
Aggregate Dissemination Area, Census Agglomeration, Census Division, Census Metropolitan Area, Census Subdivision, Census Tract, Custom Geographies, Province and Territory 2021
IRCC - Number of Asylum Claims by local Application Create Office and the Province of Claim, 2014 to 2023
PRODUCT GROUP: Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada data
TOPIC: Cultural identity , TOPIC: Immigration , TOPIC: Demographics
Census Division, Census Subdivision, Province and Territory 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
Household & Family TGP of the immigrant and recent immigrant populations, Census, 2021
PRODUCT GROUP: Census, 2021 - Target group profile
TOPIC: Cultural identity , TOPIC: Immigration , TOPIC: Demographics , TOPIC: Age, Sex and Population , TOPIC: Families , TOPIC: Households
Aggregate Dissemination Area, Census Agglomeration, Census Division, Census Metropolitan Area, Census Subdivision, Census Tract, Custom Geographies, Dissemination Area, Province and Territory 2021
Census Profile, 2021
PRODUCT GROUP: Census, 2021 - Profile
Province and Territory, Place of work, Census Subdivision, Census Tract, Census Metropolitan Area, Census Division, Census Agglomeration, Custom Geographies, Economic Region, Dissemination Area, Aggregate Dissemination Area 2021
Longitudinal Immigration Database Table 2 (IMDB) - Immigrant taxfiler mobility by knowledge of official languages, immigrant admission category, age and sex, admission year and tax year, for Canada and census subdivisions, tax years 2015-2021
PRODUCT GROUP: Longitudinal Immigration Database (IMDB)
TOPIC: Cultural identity , TOPIC: Immigration , TOPIC: Language , TOPIC: Demographics , TOPIC: Age, Sex and Population , TOPIC: Finances , TOPIC: Taxfilers
Census Subdivision 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021
Longitudinal Immigration Database Table 10 (IMDB) - Immigrant mobility, by age and sex, knowledge of official languages, pre-admission experience, immigrant admission category, admission and tax year, for custom LIP geographies, tax years 2015-2021
PRODUCT GROUP: Longitudinal Immigration Database (IMDB)
TOPIC: Cultural identity , TOPIC: Immigration , TOPIC: Language , TOPIC: Demographics , TOPIC: Age, Sex and Population , TOPIC: Finances , TOPIC: Taxfilers
Custom Geographies 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021
Longitudinal Immigration Database Table 5 (IMDB) - Immigrant taxfiler income by knowledge of official languages, immigrant admission category, age and sex, admission year and tax year, for Canada and census subdivisions, tax years 2015-2021
PRODUCT GROUP: Longitudinal Immigration Database (IMDB)
TOPIC: Cultural identity , TOPIC: Immigration , TOPIC: Language , TOPIC: Demographics , TOPIC: Age, Sex and Population , TOPIC: Finances , TOPIC: Taxfilers , TOPIC: Income , TOPIC: Individual Income
Census Subdivision 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021
Longitudinal Immigration Database Table 8 (IMDB) - Immigrant taxfiler mobility by socio-demographic profile, immigrant admission category, age and sex, admission year and tax year, for Canada and census divisions, tax years 2015-2021
PRODUCT GROUP: Longitudinal Immigration Database (IMDB)
TOPIC: Cultural identity , TOPIC: Immigration , TOPIC: Demographics , TOPIC: Age, Sex and Population , TOPIC: Finances , TOPIC: Taxfilers
Census Division 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021
Longitudinal Immigration Database Table 3 (IMDB) - Immigrant taxfiler mobility by world area, immigrant admission category, age and sex, admission year and tax year, for Canada and census subdivisions, tax years 2015-2021
PRODUCT GROUP: Longitudinal Immigration Database (IMDB)
TOPIC: Cultural identity , TOPIC: Immigration , TOPIC: Demographics , TOPIC: Age, Sex and Population , TOPIC: Finances , TOPIC: Taxfilers
Census Subdivision 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021
Longitudinal Immigration Database Table 6 (IMDB) - Immigrant taxfiler income by world area, immigrant admission category, age and sex, admission year and tax year, for Canada and census subdivisions, tax years 2015-2021
PRODUCT GROUP: Longitudinal Immigration Database (IMDB)
TOPIC: Cultural identity , TOPIC: Immigration , TOPIC: Demographics , TOPIC: Age, Sex and Population , TOPIC: Finances , TOPIC: Taxfilers , TOPIC: Income , TOPIC: Individual Income
Census Subdivision 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021
Longitudinal Immigration Database Table 1 (IMDB) - Immigrant taxfiler income and mobility by sex, socio-demographic profile, admission year and tax year, for Canada, select provinces/territories and partnerships, tax years 2015-2021
PRODUCT GROUP: Longitudinal Immigration Database (IMDB)
TOPIC: Cultural identity , TOPIC: Immigration , TOPIC: Demographics , TOPIC: Age, Sex and Population , TOPIC: Finances , TOPIC: Taxfilers
Custom Geographies 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021
Longitudinal Immigration Database Table 9 (IMDB) - Immigrant taxfiler income by socio-demographic profile, immigrant admission category, age and sex, admission year and tax year, for Canada and census divisions, tax years 2015-2021
PRODUCT GROUP: Longitudinal Immigration Database (IMDB)
TOPIC: Cultural identity , TOPIC: Immigration , TOPIC: Demographics , TOPIC: Age, Sex and Population , TOPIC: Finances , TOPIC: Taxfilers , TOPIC: Income , TOPIC: Individual Income
Census Division 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021
Longitudinal Immigration Database Table 4 (IMDB) - Immigrant taxfiler mobility by socio-demographic profile, immigrant admission category, age and sex, admission year and tax year, for Canada and census subdivisions, tax years 2015-2021
PRODUCT GROUP: Longitudinal Immigration Database (IMDB)
TOPIC: Cultural identity , TOPIC: Immigration , TOPIC: Demographics , TOPIC: Age, Sex and Population , TOPIC: Finances , TOPIC: Taxfilers
Census Subdivision 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021