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Displaying 401 - 420 of 1630 Products, sorted by post date
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MIG: Migration Estimates, Table E, 2019-2020
PRODUCT GROUP: Taxfiler (T1FF) - Migration Estimates
TOPIC: Cultural identity , TOPIC: Immigration , TOPIC: Housing , TOPIC: Mobility , TOPIC: Finances , TOPIC: Taxfilers
Census Metropolitan Area, Census Division 2019, 2020
Liquid Assets Dashboard
PRODUCT GROUP: Data analysis and visualization tools
TOPIC: Finances , TOPIC: Savings and Investments
Census Division 2016
Real-Time Local Business Conditions Index
PRODUCT GROUP: Employment Insurance Statistics - Monthly (EIS)
TOPIC: Work , TOPIC: Business and Industry
2020, 2021
F-07: Economic dependency profile of couple families, 2019
PRODUCT GROUP: Taxfiler (T1FF) - Income of Families
TOPIC: Demographics , TOPIC: Age, Sex and Population , TOPIC: Children and Youth , TOPIC: Families , TOPIC: Finances , TOPIC: Taxfilers , TOPIC: Income , TOPIC: Income Deductions and Benefits , TOPIC: Source of Income
Province and Territory, Postal City, Rural Community, Census Subdivision, Census Tract, Census Metropolitan Area, Census Division, Census Agglomeration, Forward Sortation Area 2019
F-10: Labour income profile of lone-parent families and persons not in census families, 2019
PRODUCT GROUP: Taxfiler (T1FF) - Income of Families
TOPIC: Demographics , TOPIC: Children and Youth , TOPIC: Families , TOPIC: Lone-parent families , TOPIC: Single People , TOPIC: Finances , TOPIC: Taxfilers , TOPIC: Income , TOPIC: Family and Household Income , TOPIC: Individual Income , TOPIC: Source of Income
Province and Territory, Postal City, Rural Community, Census Subdivision, Census Tract, Census Metropolitan Area, Census Division, Census Agglomeration, Forward Sortation Area 2019
F-15: Census families with children by age of children and children by age groups, 2019
PRODUCT GROUP: Taxfiler (T1FF) - Income of Families
TOPIC: Demographics , TOPIC: Age, Sex and Population , TOPIC: Children and Youth , TOPIC: Families , TOPIC: Lone-parent families , TOPIC: Finances , TOPIC: Taxfilers
Province and Territory, Postal City, Rural Community, Census Subdivision, Census Tract, Census Metropolitan Area, Census Division, Census Agglomeration, Forward Sortation Area 2019
F-05: Census families by total income, family type and number of children, 2019
PRODUCT GROUP: Taxfiler (T1FF) - Income of Families
TOPIC: Demographics , TOPIC: Children and Youth , TOPIC: Families , TOPIC: Lone-parent families , TOPIC: Finances , TOPIC: Taxfilers , TOPIC: Income , TOPIC: Family and Household Income
Province and Territory, Postal City, Rural Community, Census Subdivision, Census Tract, Census Metropolitan Area, Census Division, Census Agglomeration, Forward Sortation Area 2019
F-08: Economic dependency profile of lone-parent families and persons not in census families, 2019
PRODUCT GROUP: Taxfiler (T1FF) - Income of Families
TOPIC: Demographics , TOPIC: Children and Youth , TOPIC: Families , TOPIC: Lone-parent families , TOPIC: Single People , TOPIC: Finances , TOPIC: Taxfilers , TOPIC: Income , TOPIC: Income Deductions and Benefits , TOPIC: Source of Income
Province and Territory, Postal City, Rural Community, Census Subdivision, Census Tract, Census Metropolitan Area, Census Division, Census Agglomeration, Forward Sortation Area 2019
F-13: Single-earner and dual-earner census families by number of children, 2019
PRODUCT GROUP: Taxfiler (T1FF) - Income of Families
TOPIC: Taxfilers , TOPIC: Income , TOPIC: Family and Household Income
Province and Territory, Postal City, Rural Community, Census Subdivision, Census Tract, Census Metropolitan Area, Census Division, Census Agglomeration, Forward Sortation Area 2019
F-19: Census families by family type and family composition including before and after-tax median income of the family, 2019
PRODUCT GROUP: Taxfiler (T1FF) - Income of Families
TOPIC: Demographics , TOPIC: Age, Sex and Population , TOPIC: Children and Youth , TOPIC: Families , TOPIC: Lone-parent families , TOPIC: Finances , TOPIC: Taxfilers , TOPIC: Income , TOPIC: Family and Household Income
Province and Territory, Postal City, Rural Community, Census Subdivision, Census Tract, Census Metropolitan Area, Census Division, Census Agglomeration, Forward Sortation Area 2019
F-06: Sources of income by census family type, 2019
PRODUCT GROUP: Taxfiler (T1FF) - Income of Families
TOPIC: Demographics , TOPIC: Families , TOPIC: Lone-parent families , TOPIC: Finances , TOPIC: Taxfilers , TOPIC: Income , TOPIC: Family and Household Income , TOPIC: Income Deductions and Benefits , TOPIC: Source of Income
Province and Territory, Postal City, Rural Community, Census Subdivision, Census Tract, Census Metropolitan Area, Census Division, Census Agglomeration, Forward Sortation Area 2019
F-09: Labour income profile of couple families, 2019
PRODUCT GROUP: Taxfiler (T1FF) - Income of Families
TOPIC: Demographics , TOPIC: Age, Sex and Population , TOPIC: Children and Youth , TOPIC: Families , TOPIC: Finances , TOPIC: Taxfilers , TOPIC: Income , TOPIC: Family and Household Income , TOPIC: Source of Income
Province and Territory, Postal City, Rural Community, Census Subdivision, Census Tract, Census Metropolitan Area, Census Division, Census Agglomeration, Forward Sortation Area 2019
F-14: Couple families by percentage of wife’s contribution to couple’s employment income and by number of children, 2019
PRODUCT GROUP: Taxfiler (T1FF) - Income of Families
TOPIC: Demographics , TOPIC: Age, Sex and Population , TOPIC: Children and Youth , TOPIC: Families , TOPIC: Marital Status , TOPIC: Finances , TOPIC: Taxfilers , TOPIC: Income , TOPIC: Family and Household Income , TOPIC: Source of Income
Province and Territory, Postal City, Rural Community, Census Subdivision, Census Tract, Census Metropolitan Area, Census Division, Census Agglomeration, Forward Sortation Area 2019
F-20: After-tax low income status of census families based on Census Family Low Income Measure (CFLIM-AT), by family type and family composition, 2019
PRODUCT GROUP: Taxfiler (T1FF) - Income of Families
TOPIC: Demographics , TOPIC: Children and Youth , TOPIC: Families , TOPIC: Lone-parent families , TOPIC: Income , TOPIC: Family and Household Income , TOPIC: Low income
Province and Territory, Postal City, Rural Community, Census Subdivision, Census Tract, Census Metropolitan Area, Census Division, Census Agglomeration, Forward Sortation Area 2019
F-01: Summary census family income table, 2019
PRODUCT GROUP: Taxfiler (T1FF) - Income of Families
TOPIC: Demographics , TOPIC: Age, Sex and Population , TOPIC: Families , TOPIC: Lone-parent families , TOPIC: Finances , TOPIC: Taxfilers , TOPIC: Work , TOPIC: Labour Force , TOPIC: Income , TOPIC: Family and Household Income
Province and Territory, Postal City, Rural Community, Census Subdivision, Census Tract, Census Metropolitan Area, Census Division, Census Agglomeration, Forward Sortation Area 2019
F-04: Distribution of total income by census family type and age of older partner, parent or individual, 2019
PRODUCT GROUP: Taxfiler (T1FF) - Income of Families
TOPIC: Demographics , TOPIC: Age, Sex and Population , TOPIC: Families , TOPIC: Lone-parent families , TOPIC: Finances , TOPIC: Taxfilers , TOPIC: Income , TOPIC: Family and Household Income
Province and Territory, Postal City, Rural Community, Census Subdivision, Census Tract, Census Metropolitan Area, Census Division, Census Agglomeration, Forward Sortation Area 2019
F-02: Taxfilers and dependents by age groups and census family type, 2019
PRODUCT GROUP: Taxfiler (T1FF) - Income of Families
TOPIC: Demographics , TOPIC: Age, Sex and Population , TOPIC: Children and Youth , TOPIC: Families , TOPIC: Lone-parent families , TOPIC: Finances , TOPIC: Taxfilers
Province and Territory, Postal City, Rural Community, Census Subdivision, Census Tract, Census Metropolitan Area, Census Division, Census Agglomeration, Forward Sortation Area 2019
F-03: Census families by age of older partner or parent and number of children, 2019
PRODUCT GROUP: Taxfiler (T1FF) - Income of Families
TOPIC: Demographics , TOPIC: Age, Sex and Population , TOPIC: Children and Youth , TOPIC: Families , TOPIC: Lone-parent families , TOPIC: Finances , TOPIC: Taxfilers , TOPIC: Income , TOPIC: Family and Household Income
Province and Territory, Postal City, Rural Community, Census Subdivision, Census Tract, Census Metropolitan Area, Census Division, Census Agglomeration, Forward Sortation Area 2019
Canadian business counts, establishment and location counts, employment size and North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), June 2021
PRODUCT GROUP: Canadian Business Counts
TOPIC: Work , TOPIC: Business and Industry , TOPIC: Type of Work and Occupation
Province and Territory, Census Subdivision, Census Tract, Census Metropolitan Area, Census Division, Census Agglomeration 2021
S-02: Tax filers and dependants in senior census families by family type, sex and age groups, 2019
PRODUCT GROUP: Taxfiler (T1FF) - Income of Seniors
TOPIC: Demographics , TOPIC: Age, Sex and Population , TOPIC: Families , TOPIC: Lone-parent families , TOPIC: Seniors , TOPIC: Finances , TOPIC: Taxfilers
Province and Territory, Postal City, Rural Community, Census Subdivision, Census Tract, Census Metropolitan Area, Census Division, Census Agglomeration, Forward Sortation Area 2019