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1st meeting of the Sharing Results WG.  The lead TBD.  Call.
To test adding data into the catalog.  WG Lead, Sara Mayo.
The Toronto Star reports that Census changes concern health community quoting John Campey, the lead on the Save
Janet Gaspirini, Social Planning Council of Sudbury and member of the CSDS in collaboration with Save the Census also or
Social Planning Council of Hamilton, CSDS members are organizing CODE RED for Neighbourhood Data: Wednesday, September 8th, 2010 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Ottawa CSDS Consortia Lead have had their POVERTY REDUCTION STRATEGY / STRATÉGIE POUR RÉDUIRE LA PAUVRETÉ approved by City of Ottawa Council.  The motions and the full report a
David Eggen at Friends of Medicare in collaboration with local Edmonton CSDS members led a Save our Census Health Action that was featured on 630 C
CSDS Wayne Helgason of the Winnipeg Social Planning Council organized a local Save the Census health campaign that in collaboration with the
City of Toronto CSDS consortium member John Campey from the Social Planning Council of Toronto in partnership with the Canadian Council on Social Development led a national Save the Ce
CSDS member and the Lead of the CSDS Capacity Working Group is the author of the following Hamilton Spectator Article, Code Red for neighbourhood data.
This procedure describes the steps to populate the new catalog with CSDS data.
This is a test event to see how it displays in the calendar.
Toronto Star: Axing census questions adds up to trouble for Tories “Truly a stupid decision,’’ Liberal critic says The Province: Privacy commissioner sees few complaints about census form Le Devoir Recensement -
CIQSS Centre de données de recherche, Recensement 2011. Canadian Press: Census discussion disappears from federal consultation site
The Canadian Social Data Strategy submitted to the Tony Clement National Economy Consultation on July 6th, 2010. The CSDS submission was under the Canada's Digital Content Theme. Last week, shortly after it was posted, vote came in and our submission was in the top three.
The Canadian Social Data Strategy is closely monitoring the media on the announcements to cuts to the 2011 Long Form of the Census. The following is a list in no particular order of what we know so far. Should you know of others, please do not hesitate to forward them to us!
Below is the text that was submitted. Please take a second to VOTE on the consultation! There are only 2 days left!