There's plenty of new data in the catalogue, including 2011 Taxfiler data, and our first semi-custom Census topic-based tabulations. No, unfortunately that doesn't mean custom geographies (yet). Just Census tables at smaller geographies than are available on the Statistics Canada website.
We've begun organising a webinar on NHS and Taxfiler data with a focus on income. It will be an opportunity to discuss emerging good practice with respect to measuring poverty, assessing NHS quality, working with small-area income data, and using Taxfiler tables. Date: Thursday, April 10, 2014.
In Part 2 of this Product Profile, we explain some of the issues associated with the voluntary nature of the NHS, and how to address them. We also show what some consortia have begun to do about NHS data quality, especially with respect to mapping the global non-response rate.
In Part 1 of this Product Profile, we explain some basic information about the 2011 NHS, (and 2011 Census while we're at it). First we provide descriptions of the standard geographies you're most likely to encounter with Census and NHS data.
The 2013-2014 Ontario Works Service Plan prepared by the District of Nipissing Social Services Administration Board uses Canadian Business Patterns data from the Community Data Program. Check out the report and data below.
January 13, 2014 – Peggy Taillon, President and CEO of the Canadian Council on Social Development (CCSD), is pleased to announce a new partnership with Professor Ann Dale, Canada Research Chair in Sustainable Community Development, Royal Roa
The Regional Municipality of York has released a publication on the 2011 Census and National Household Survey including both issues and demographic highlights.
Edit 2014-02-03: Family data, Seniors and NID tables now have CMA, CA,
New data in the catalogue
There's quite a bit of new data in the catalogue. Here are links to the tables that we've recently added:
CCSD has been working on an official position on the NHS over the past several weeks.
The November 21 webinar "Using the NHS at the scale of cities and communities" was a great success, with 215 registrations, and 158 attendees.
Community Development Halton published a piece on charitable giving in Halton Region using 2010 taxfiler data on charitable donations.
Community Data Canada is hosting a free webinar to discuss how the National Household Survey can serve the needs of municipalities and community sector organisations at the municipal and sub-municipal scale (census division, census subdivision, census tract, and dissemination area).
Statistics Canada delivered a presentation on the National Household Survey at the National Housing Research Committee on November 5, 2013.
Congratulations to the City of Guelph and the Canadian Index of Wellbeing (CIW) for receiving the Community Indicators Consortium Impact Award for 2013 for their work on the
Find 2006 Census tables more easily in the catalogue with a new .xls metadata reference file that we recently put together.
We recently acquired and catalogued 2011 National Household Survey (NHS) Profiles for all of Canada down to the census tract (CT) and dissemination area (DA) level.
All members of the CDP have access to the Envision tool from Environics Analytics, this tool allows you to easily create a map/report with the 2006 Census and 2011 Census/NHS data.
Sara Mayo at SPCH has recently published a report on income inequality in Hamilton, Ontario. Here's a quote from the release:
In this issue: Product Profile for Taxfiler data · Data acquisition update · Working Poverty Measure · ENVISION booking · Call-out for data use cases · Drupal migration · Update on terms of use
T1-derived datasets from the Income Statistics Division of Statistics Canada (known as Annual Estimates for Census Families and Individuals, or simply Taxfiler data) are an important source of Canada-wide small-area income data.
Have you used CDP data for analysis? To publish something? Because you love data? Let us know. We're seeking use cases of CDP data for three reasons:
The CDP team is working hard to draft our custom data orders for the National Household Survey and other surveys. The Urban Poverty Tables are always a key component of our order. In the past, we have requested poverty data by employment status and age.
Over the summer we migrated from Drupal 6 to Drupal 7.
At long last, the 2012 CIC Permanent Residents Rounded Data Cube has become available. It contains data on permanent resident landings up to and including 2012, down to the Census Subdivision (read: municipality) level.