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Displaying 581 - 600 of 1630 Products, sorted by post date
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Target group profile of the recent immigrant population, Census, 2016
PRODUCT GROUP: Census, 2016 - Target group profile
TOPIC: Immigration
Province and Territory, Census Subdivision, Census Tract, Census Metropolitan Area, Census Division, Census Agglomeration, Custom Geographies, Dissemination Area, Aggregate Dissemination Area 2016
Labour Force Survey - LFS characteristics by 2011 Census Division boundaries - two year average estimates
PRODUCT GROUP: Labour Force Survey (LFS)
TOPIC: Labour Force
Province and Territory, Census Division 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019
Target group profile of population by employment status, Census, 2016
PRODUCT GROUP: Census, 2016 - Target group profile
Province and Territory, Census Subdivision, Census Tract, Census Metropolitan Area, Census Division, Census Agglomeration, Custom Geographies, Aggregate Dissemination Area 2016
Target group profile of population by main mode of commuting to work, Census, 2016
PRODUCT GROUP: Census, 2016 - Target group profile
Province and Territory, Census Subdivision, Census Tract, Census Metropolitan Area, Census Division, Census Agglomeration, Custom Geographies, Aggregate Dissemination Area 2016
Target group profile of the population by age groups, Census, 2016
PRODUCT GROUP: Census, 2016 - Target group profile
TOPIC: Age, Sex and Population
Province and Territory, Census Subdivision, Census Tract, Census Metropolitan Area, Census Division, Census Agglomeration, Custom Geographies, Aggregate Dissemination Area 2016
Target group profile of the Francophone population, Census, 2016
PRODUCT GROUP: Census, 2016 - Target group profile
TOPIC: Language
Province and Territory, Census Subdivision, Census Tract, Census Metropolitan Area, Census Division, Census Agglomeration, Custom Geographies, Dissemination Area, Aggregate Dissemination Area 2016
Target group profile of lone parents, Census, 2016
PRODUCT GROUP: Census, 2016 - Target group profile
TOPIC: Lone-parent families
Province and Territory, Census Subdivision, Census Tract, Census Metropolitan Area, Census Division, Census Agglomeration, Custom Geographies, Aggregate Dissemination Area 2016
Target group profile of the visible minority population, Census, 2016
PRODUCT GROUP: Census, 2016 - Target group profile
TOPIC: Visible minority
Province and Territory, Census Subdivision, Census Tract, Census Metropolitan Area, Census Division, Census Agglomeration, Custom Geographies, Aggregate Dissemination Area 2016
Target group profile of the Aboriginal identity population, Census, 2016
PRODUCT GROUP: Census, 2016 - Target group profile
TOPIC: Aboriginal Peoples
Province and Territory, Census Subdivision, Census Tract, Census Metropolitan Area, Census Division, Census Agglomeration, Custom Geographies, Aggregate Dissemination Area 2016
Target group profile of population with majority of income coming from government transfers, Census, 2016
PRODUCT GROUP: Census, 2016 - Target group profile
TOPIC: Finances
Province and Territory, Census Subdivision, Census Tract, Census Metropolitan Area, Census Division, Census Agglomeration, Custom Geographies, Dissemination Area, Aggregate Dissemination Area 2016
Census Profile, 2016
PRODUCT GROUP: Census, 2016 - Profile
Province and Territory, Place of work, Census Subdivision, Census Tract, Census Metropolitan Area, Census Division, Census Agglomeration, Custom Geographies, Dissemination Area, Aggregate Dissemination Area 2016
Age (127) and Sex (3), Census 2016
PRODUCT GROUP: Census, 2016 - Data tables
TOPIC: Demographics
Custom Geographies, Designated Place 2016
Target group profile of the population aged 65 and over, Census, 2016
PRODUCT GROUP: Census, 2016 - Target group profile
TOPIC: Seniors
Province and Territory, Census Subdivision, Census Tract, Census Metropolitan Area, Census Division, Census Agglomeration, Custom Geographies, Dissemination Area, Aggregate Dissemination Area 2016
Target group profile of the low-income population (LIM-AT), Census, 2016
PRODUCT GROUP: Census, 2016 - Target group profile
TOPIC: Low income
Province and Territory, Census Subdivision, Census Tract, Census Metropolitan Area, Census Division, Census Agglomeration, Custom Geographies, Dissemination Area, Aggregate Dissemination Area 2016
Canadian business counts, establishment and location counts, employment size and North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), December 2019
PRODUCT GROUP: Canadian Business Counts
TOPIC: Work , TOPIC: Business and Industry , TOPIC: Type of Work and Occupation
Province and Territory, Census Subdivision, Census Tract, Census Metropolitan Area, Census Division, Census Agglomeration 2019
Place of Work - Occupation - National Occupational Classification (NOC) 2016 (191) and Period of immigration (6) for the Employed Labour Force 15 Years and Over With a Usual Place of Work or Worked at Home in Private Households of Canada, 2016 Census
PRODUCT GROUP: Census, 2016 - Data tables
TOPIC: Cultural identity , TOPIC: Immigration , TOPIC: Work , TOPIC: Business and Industry , TOPIC: Labour Force , TOPIC: Place of Work , TOPIC: Type of Work and Occupation
Province and Territory, Place of work, Census Subdivision, Census Tract, Census Metropolitan Area, Census Division, Census Agglomeration, Dissemination Area, Aggregate Dissemination Area 2016
Place of Work - Industry - North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) 2012 (122) and Period of immigration (6) for the Employed Labour Force 15 Years and Over With a Usual Place of Work or Worked at Home in Private Households, 2016 Census
PRODUCT GROUP: Census, 2016 - Data tables
TOPIC: Cultural identity , TOPIC: Immigration , TOPIC: Work , TOPIC: Business and Industry , TOPIC: Labour Force , TOPIC: Place of Work , TOPIC: Type of Work and Occupation
Province and Territory, Place of work, Census Subdivision, Census Tract, Census Metropolitan Area, Census Division, Census Agglomeration, Dissemination Area, Aggregate Dissemination Area 2016
Commuting Flow from Geography of Residence to Geography of Work by Sex (3) and Period of Immigration (6), for the Employed Labour Force 15 Years and Over Having a Usual Place of Work in Private Households of the place of residence, for Canada, 2016 Census
PRODUCT GROUP: Census, 2016 - Data tables
TOPIC: Cultural identity , TOPIC: Immigration , TOPIC: Demographics , TOPIC: Age, Sex and Population , TOPIC: Housing , TOPIC: Location of Housing , TOPIC: Mobility , TOPIC: Work , TOPIC: Labour Force , TOPIC: Place of Work
Province and Territory, Census Subdivision, Census Tract, Census Metropolitan Area, Census Division, Census Agglomeration, Aggregate Dissemination Area 2016
Industry - North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) 2011 (425), Period of Immigration (6) and Total Income Groups in 2015 (36) for the Employed Labour Force 15 Years and Over in Private Households of Canada, 2016 Census - 25% Sample Data
PRODUCT GROUP: Census, 2016 - Data tables
TOPIC: Cultural identity , TOPIC: Immigration , TOPIC: Work , TOPIC: Business and Industry , TOPIC: Labour Force , TOPIC: Type of Work and Occupation , TOPIC: Income , TOPIC: Individual Income
Province and Territory, Census Subdivision, Census Tract, Census Metropolitan Area, Census Division, Census Agglomeration, Aggregate Dissemination Area 2016
Occupation - National Occupational Classification (NOC) 2016 (691), Class of Worker (5), Age Groups (13B) and Sex (3) for the Employed Labour Force 15 Years and Over in Private Households of Canada, 2016 Census - 25% Sample Data
PRODUCT GROUP: Census, 2016 - Data tables
TOPIC: Demographics , TOPIC: Age, Sex and Population , TOPIC: Work , TOPIC: Business and Industry , TOPIC: Labour Force , TOPIC: Type of Work and Occupation
Province and Territory, Census Subdivision, Census Tract, Census Metropolitan Area, Census Division, Census Agglomeration, Aggregate Dissemination Area 2016