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In collaboration with the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM), Statistics Canada’s Centre for Municipal and Local data is committed to providing detailed statistics to municipalities and stakeholders by improving access to municipal-level data, including disaggregated data, and establishing greater data-sharing and collaboration.

Initiatives to advance these efforts involve the development of a municipal data portal comprised of the following: a data catalogue for access to statistics and indicators pertinent to municipalities; a municipal finance dashboard which allows for comparisons across select Canadian cities on standard financial indicators, including those relating to infrastructure spending and selected socioeconomic characteristics; and a mapping function which displays a set of key indicators geographically and through data visualisations. 

This presentation will explain overall program objectives and showcase tools that have been developed to help advance data-driven decision making and policy development at the municipal level.

Date: Tuesday, June 27, 2023, 1:30 to 2:30 PM EDT

Number of registrants: 248

Number of participants: 125

About the presenter:

Daniel St-Pierre, Statistics Canada 
Project Development Section Chief, Public Sector Statistics Division at Statistics Canada. Analyst with Statistics Canada for 12 years as a business survey analyst now managing the team responsible for analysis and dissemination of municipal financial data and overseeing the development of the municipal data hub.


Presentation slides (PowerPoint)


Remote video URL



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