This estimates program provides annual estimates of population by age and sex for Canada, provinces and territories.
This estimates program is used in the calculation of demographic, social and economic indicators (fertility rates, mortality rates, unemployment rates, school enrolment rates, etc.) in which the population, or a part thereof, serves as the denominator. These data are used in calculation of weights for use in Statistics Canada's Surveys (Labour Force Survey, General Social Survey, Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics, etc.). They are also used in the determination of the annual level of immigration by the Government of Canada. In addition, the data are used as base population for Statistics Canada's population projections. Estimated population counts play a vital role under the "Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements and Federal Post-Secondary Education and Health Contributions Act" and the "Canada Student Loans Act" in determining the amounts of federal-provincial/territorial transfers.
Source: Statistics Canada (CANSIM table 051-0001, last updated on: 2015-09-28; coverage: 000000007 1971 to 000000007 2015)
Survey or program details:
Estimates of Population by Age and Sex for Canada, Provinces and Territories - 3604
Population estimates and projections
Postcensal estimates are based on the 2011 Census counts adjusted for census net undercoverage (CNU) (including adjustment for incompletely enumerated Indian reserves (IEIR)) and the components of demographic growth that occurred since that census. Intercensal estimates are produced using counts from two consecutive censuses adjusted for CNU (including (IEIR) and postcensal estimates.
Estimates are final intercensal up to 2010, final postcensal for 2011, updated postcensal from 2012 to 2014 and preliminary postcensal for 2015.
Data for persons aged 90 to 100 years and over will be available from 2001.
The population growth, which is used to calculate population estimates, is comprised of the natural growth (CANSIM 51-0002 and 51-0013), international migration (CANSIM 51-0011) and interprovincial migration (CANSIM 51-0012).
Note: Table contains one or more secure/confidential cells; these values are represented by the symbol x.