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The Statistics Canada Centre for Demography has released the Annual Demographic Estimates by Age and Gender: Subprovincial Areas for the 2024 reference year.

This release includes an update to the Annual demographic estimates, rural and small town and functional urban areas: Interactive dashboard. Visualize trends in population estimates for rural and small town or functional urban areas based on 2021 Census counts.

Edmonton CMA

Statistics Canada is now offering their Executive Bootcamp on Disaggregated Data!

Are you a Director in a provincial, territorial or municipal government in Canada? Are you focused on policy or program operations and interested in enhancing your data acumen skills? Statistics Canada is piloting a unique program for policy/program executives to enhance their ability to leverage disaggregated data for informed policy decisions.

Statistics Canada – Small area estimates of employment and unemployment rate for self-contained labour areas

Statistics Canada has released new data using small area estimation methods to improve labour force characteristics for sub-provincial areas, including census metropolitan areas, census agglomerations, and self-contained labour areas, which are regions outside urban centers grouped by commuting patterns from Census data.