Displaying 1081 - 1140 of 1630 Products, sorted by post date
Title | Geographies | Years within data | Posted Sort ascending |
Target group profile of the Francophone population, NHS, 2011 PRODUCT GROUP: NHS, 2011 - Target group profile TOPIC: Language |
Census Agglomeration, Census Division, Census Metropolitan Area, Census Subdivision, Census Tract, Dissemination Area, Province and Territory | 2011 | |
Target group profile of the Aboriginal identity population, NHS, 2011 PRODUCT GROUP: NHS, 2011 - Target group profile TOPIC: Aboriginal Peoples |
Census Agglomeration, Census Division, Census Metropolitan Area, Census Subdivision, Census Tract, Custom Geographies, Dissemination Area, Province and Territory | 2011 | |
Target group profile of the population with activity difficulties, Census, 2011 PRODUCT GROUP: Census, 2011 - Target group profile TOPIC: Health |
Census Agglomeration, Census Division, Census Metropolitan Area, Census Subdivision, Census Tract, Custom Geographies, Dissemination Area, Province and Territory | 2011 | |
Target group profile of recent immigrants, Census, 2011 PRODUCT GROUP: Census, 2011 - Target group profile TOPIC: Immigration |
Census Agglomeration, Census Division, Census Metropolitan Area, Census Subdivision, Census Tract, Custom Geographies, Dissemination Area, Province and Territory | 2011 | |
Target group profile of the population with activity difficulties, NHS, 2011 PRODUCT GROUP: NHS, 2011 - Target group profile TOPIC: Health |
Census Agglomeration, Census Division, Census Metropolitan Area, Census Subdivision, Census Tract, Custom Geographies, Dissemination Area, Province and Territory | 2011 | |
Target group profile of recent immigrants, NHS, 2011 PRODUCT GROUP: NHS, 2011 - Target group profile TOPIC: Immigration |
Census Agglomeration, Census Division, Census Metropolitan Area, Census Subdivision, Census Tract, Custom Geographies, Dissemination Area, Province and Territory | 2011 | |
Target group profile of the immigrant population, Census, 2011 PRODUCT GROUP: Census, 2011 - Target group profile TOPIC: Immigration |
Census Agglomeration, Census Division, Census Metropolitan Area, Census Subdivision, Census Tract, Custom Geographies, Dissemination Area, Province and Territory | 2011 | |
Target group profile of the low income population (LIM-AT), Census, 2011 PRODUCT GROUP: Census, 2011 - Target group profile TOPIC: Low income |
Census Agglomeration, Census Division, Census Metropolitan Area, Census Subdivision, Census Tract, Custom Geographies, Dissemination Area, Province and Territory | 2011 | |
Target group profile of the immigrant population, NHS, 2011 PRODUCT GROUP: NHS, 2011 - Target group profile TOPIC: Immigration |
Census Agglomeration, Census Division, Census Metropolitan Area, Census Subdivision, Census Tract, Custom Geographies, Dissemination Area, Province and Territory | 2011 | |
Target group profile of the low income population (LIM-AT), NHS, 2011 PRODUCT GROUP: NHS, 2011 - Target group profile TOPIC: Low income |
Census Agglomeration, Census Division, Census Metropolitan Area, Census Subdivision, Census Tract, Custom Geographies, Dissemination Area, Province and Territory | 2011 | |
Police Resources in Canada, Tables 1-13, 2013 PRODUCT GROUP: Police Resources in Canada TOPIC: Crime |
Province and Territory, Police Service Boundary, Census Metropolitan Area | 2013 | |
Canadian business patterns, establishment and location counts, employment size and North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), December 2013 PRODUCT GROUP: Canadian Business Counts TOPIC: Business and Industry |
Census Agglomeration, Census Division, Census Metropolitan Area, Census Subdivision, Census Tract | 2013 | |
SHS - 203-0030 - Survey of household spending (SHS), household spending, three territories and selected metropolitan areas PRODUCT GROUP: Survey of Household Spending (SHS) TOPIC: Households , TOPIC: Spending and Charitable Donations |
Census Metropolitan Area, Province and Territory | 2012 | |
SHS - 203-0028 - Survey of household spending (SHS), detailed food expenditures, Canada, regions and provinces PRODUCT GROUP: Survey of Household Spending (SHS) TOPIC: Households , TOPIC: Spending and Charitable Donations , TOPIC: Health |
Province and Territory | 2010, 2011, 2012 | |
SHS - 203-0021 - Survey of household spending (SHS), household spending, Canada, regions and provinces PRODUCT GROUP: Survey of Household Spending (SHS) TOPIC: Households , TOPIC: Spending and Charitable Donations |
Province and Territory | 2010, 2011, 2012 | |
SHS - 203-0031 - Survey of household spending (SHS), dwelling characteristics and household equipment as of December 31, three territories and selected metropolitan areas PRODUCT GROUP: Survey of Household Spending (SHS) TOPIC: Households , TOPIC: Housing Type , TOPIC: Spending and Charitable Donations |
Census Metropolitan Area, Province and Territory | 2012 | |
SHS - 203-0022 - Survey of household spending (SHS), household spending, Canada, regions and provinces, by household income quintile PRODUCT GROUP: Survey of Household Spending (SHS) TOPIC: Households , TOPIC: Spending and Charitable Donations , TOPIC: Family and Household Income |
Province and Territory | 2010, 2011, 2012 | |
SHS - 203-0027 - Survey of household spending (SHS), dwelling characteristics and household equipment at time of interview, Canada, regions and provinces PRODUCT GROUP: Survey of Household Spending (SHS) TOPIC: Households , TOPIC: Housing Type , TOPIC: Spending and Charitable Donations |
Province and Territory | 2010, 2011, 2012 | |
Shelter Capacity Report, 2013 PRODUCT GROUP: Shelter Capacity Report TOPIC: Housing Affordability |
Census Subdivision, Province and Territory | 2013 | |
CCHS - PUMF-FMGD - Annual Component, 2012 and 2011-2012 - Health indicator profile, annual and two-year period estimates, by age group and sex, Canada, provinces, territories, health regions PRODUCT GROUP: Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS) TOPIC: Health |
Province and Territory, Health Region | 2011, 2012 | |
Credit Report Characteristics, 2013 Q1 PRODUCT GROUP: Credit Report Characteristics TOPIC: Financial Credit |
Postal Code | 2013 | |
Selected economic family and persons not in economic family characteristics (55), income statistics in 2010 (4A) and income sources (16) for the economic families and persons not in economic families aged 15 years and over in private households, NHS, 2011 PRODUCT GROUP: NHS, 2011 - Income and housing TOPIC: Families , TOPIC: Single People , TOPIC: Family and Household Income , TOPIC: Individual Income , TOPIC: Source of Income |
Census Agglomeration, Census Metropolitan Area, Province and Territory | 2011 | |
Selected demographic, sociocultural, income and labour characteristics (334) and low-income geographic concentration in 2010 (6) for the population in private households, NHS, 2011 PRODUCT GROUP: NHS, 2011 - Income and housing TOPIC: Aboriginal Peoples , TOPIC: Immigration , TOPIC: Language , TOPIC: Location of Housing , TOPIC: Type of Work and Occupation , TOPIC: Low income |
Census Agglomeration, Census Metropolitan Area, Province and Territory | 2011 | |
Income in 2010 (34), age groups (10C), sex (3) and highest certificate, diploma or degree (11) for the population aged 15 years and over in private households, NHS, 2011 PRODUCT GROUP: NHS, 2011 - Income and housing TOPIC: Highest Certificate, Degree or Diploma |
Census Agglomeration, Census Division, Census Metropolitan Area, Census Subdivision, Census Tract, Custom Geographies, Province and Territory | 2011 | |
Selected demographic, sociocultural, education and labour characteristics (322), sex (3) and income status in 2010 (6) for the population in private households, NHS, 2011 PRODUCT GROUP: NHS, 2011 - Income and housing TOPIC: Aboriginal Peoples , TOPIC: Immigration , TOPIC: Language , TOPIC: Type of Work and Occupation , TOPIC: Individual Income |
Census Agglomeration, Census Metropolitan Area, Province and Territory | 2011 | |
Housing suitability (6), household size (8), housing tenure (4), number of persons per room (5), number of rooms (11), number of bedrooms (5) and household type (17) for private households, NHS, 2011 PRODUCT GROUP: NHS, 2011 - Income and housing TOPIC: Households , TOPIC: Housing Affordability , TOPIC: Housing Type , TOPIC: Tenure and Vacancy |
Census Agglomeration, Census Metropolitan Area, Province and Territory | 2011 | |
Shelter cost groups (11), household total income groups in 2010 (11), shelter-cost-to-income ratio (9), housing tenure including presence of mortgage and subsidized housing (7) and household type (17) for owner and tenant households in non-farm, non-reser PRODUCT GROUP: NHS, 2011 - Income and housing TOPIC: Households , TOPIC: Housing Affordability , TOPIC: Housing Costs , TOPIC: Tenure and Vacancy , TOPIC: Mortgage , TOPIC: Shelter-Cost-To-Income Ratio |
Census Agglomeration, Census Metropolitan Area, Province and Territory | 2011 | |
Selected demographic, income and sociocultural characteristics (109) and number reporting and aggregate amount reported from each source in 2010 (35) for the population aged 15 years and over in private households, NHS, 2011 PRODUCT GROUP: NHS, 2011 - Income and housing TOPIC: Aboriginal Peoples , TOPIC: Immigration , TOPIC: Language , TOPIC: Source of Income |
Census Agglomeration, Census Metropolitan Area, Province and Territory | 2011 | |
Economic family income in 2010 (33), economic family structure (11) and selected economic family characteristics (16) for the economic families in private households, NHS, 2011 PRODUCT GROUP: NHS, 2011 - Income and housing TOPIC: Families , TOPIC: Family and Household Income |
Census Agglomeration, Census Division, Census Metropolitan Area, Census Subdivision, Census Tract, Dissemination Area, Province and Territory | 2011 | |
Income and earnings statistics in 2010 (16), age groups (8C), sex (3), work activity in 2010 (3), highest certificate, diploma or degree (6) and selected sociocultural characteristics (60) for the population aged 15 years and over in private households, N PRODUCT GROUP: NHS, 2011 - Income and housing TOPIC: Aboriginal Peoples , TOPIC: Immigration , TOPIC: Language , TOPIC: Highest Certificate, Degree or Diploma , TOPIC: Type of Work and Occupation |
Census Metropolitan Area, Province and Territory | 2011 | |
Employment income statistics in 2010 (7), sex (3), work activity in 2010 (3), highest certificate, diploma or degree (6) and industry - North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) 2007 (104) for the population aged 15 years and over in private h PRODUCT GROUP: NHS, 2011 - Income and housing TOPIC: Highest Certificate, Degree or Diploma , TOPIC: Business and Industry , TOPIC: Type of Work and Occupation , TOPIC: Individual Income |
Province and Territory | 2011 | |
Age groups of primary household maintainer (13), household total income groups in 2010 (11), housing tenure (4), shelter-cost-to-income ratio (5), housing suitability (3), condition of dwelling (3) and household type (17) for private households, NHS, 2011 PRODUCT GROUP: NHS, 2011 - Income and housing TOPIC: Households , TOPIC: Housing Affordability , TOPIC: Housing Costs , TOPIC: Housing Type , TOPIC: Primary Household Maintainer , TOPIC: Tenure and Vacancy , TOPIC: Shelter-Cost-To-Income Ratio |
Census Agglomeration, Census Division, Census Metropolitan Area, Census Subdivision, Custom Geographies, Province and Territory | 2011 | |
Age groups of primary household maintainer (13), household mobility status 5 years ago (5), household total income groups in 2010 (11), condominium status (3), number of rooms (11) and household type (17) for owner-households in private dwellings, NHS, 20 PRODUCT GROUP: NHS, 2011 - Income and housing TOPIC: Households , TOPIC: Housing Type , TOPIC: Mobility , TOPIC: Primary Household Maintainer , TOPIC: Tenure and Vacancy |
Census Agglomeration, Census Metropolitan Area, Province and Territory | 2011 | |
Selected demographic, income and sociocultural characteristics (109), income statistics in 2010 (3) and income sources (16) for the population aged 15 years and over in private households, NHS, 2011 PRODUCT GROUP: NHS, 2011 - Income and housing TOPIC: Aboriginal Peoples , TOPIC: Immigration , TOPIC: Language , TOPIC: Individual Income , TOPIC: Source of Income |
Census Agglomeration, Census Metropolitan Area, Province and Territory | 2011 | |
Selected demographic, sociocultural and labour characteristics (168), income statistics in 2010 (3B) and total income groups (7) for the population aged 15 years and over in private households, NHS, 2011 PRODUCT GROUP: NHS, 2011 - Income and housing TOPIC: Aboriginal Peoples , TOPIC: Immigration , TOPIC: Language , TOPIC: Type of Work and Occupation |
Census Metropolitan Area, Province and Territory | 2011 | |
Income groups in 2010 (27), sex (3) and age groups (5) for the persons not in economic families aged 15 years and over in private households, NHS, 2011 PRODUCT GROUP: NHS, 2011 - Income and housing TOPIC: Families , TOPIC: Single People |
Census Agglomeration, Census Metropolitan Area, Province and Territory | 2011 | |
Employment income statistics in 2010 (7), sex (3), work activity in 2010 (3), highest certificate, diploma or degree (6) and occupation - National Occupational Classification (NOC) 2011 (693) for the population aged 15 years and over in private households PRODUCT GROUP: NHS, 2011 - Income and housing TOPIC: Highest Certificate, Degree or Diploma , TOPIC: Type of Work and Occupation , TOPIC: Individual Income |
Province and Territory | 2011 | |
Housing tenure (4), age groups of primary household maintainer (8), household type (9) and structural type of dwelling (5) for private households, NHS, 2011 PRODUCT GROUP: NHS, 2011 - Income and housing TOPIC: Households , TOPIC: Housing Type , TOPIC: Primary Household Maintainer , TOPIC: Tenure and Vacancy |
Census Division, Census Subdivision, Province and Territory | 2011 | |
NHS Profile, 2011 PRODUCT GROUP: NHS, 2011 - Profile TOPIC: Age, Sex and Population |
Census Agglomeration, Census Division, Census Metropolitan Area, Census Subdivision, Census Tract, Custom Geographies, Designated Place, Dissemination Area, Forward Sortation Area, Health Region, Province and Territory | 2011 | |
Housing tenure (4), household size (8), condominium status (3), structural type of dwelling (10), period of construction (11), condition of dwelling (4) and number of bedrooms (5) for private households, NHS, 2011 PRODUCT GROUP: NHS, 2011 - Income and housing TOPIC: Households , TOPIC: Housing Affordability , TOPIC: Housing Type , TOPIC: Tenure and Vacancy |
Census Agglomeration, Census Metropolitan Area, Province and Territory | 2011 | |
Value of dwelling (14), household mobility status 5 years ago (5), structural type of dwelling (10), presence of mortgage (3), condominium status (3) and shelter-cost-to-income ratio (9) for owner-households in non-farm, non-reserve private dwellings, NHS PRODUCT GROUP: NHS, 2011 - Income and housing TOPIC: Households , TOPIC: Housing Costs , TOPIC: Housing Type , TOPIC: Mobility , TOPIC: Tenure and Vacancy , TOPIC: Mortgage , TOPIC: Shelter-Cost-To-Income Ratio |
Census Agglomeration, Census Metropolitan Area, Province and Territory | 2011 | |
SHR - Table 2: Vacancy Rate of Standard Spaces by Rent Range, 2012-2013 PRODUCT GROUP: Seniors Housing Report TOPIC: Seniors , TOPIC: Tenure and Vacancy |
Census Agglomeration, Census Division, Census Metropolitan Area, Census Subdivision, Province and Territory | 2012, 2013 | |
SHR - Table 5: Universe of Standard Spaces by Unit Type, 2012-2013 PRODUCT GROUP: Seniors Housing Report TOPIC: Seniors , TOPIC: Housing Type |
Census Agglomeration, Census Division, Census Metropolitan Area, Census Subdivision, Province and Territory | 2012, 2013 | |
SHR - Table 8: Percent Vacant for Total Spaces by Date Residence Opened, 2012-2013 PRODUCT GROUP: Seniors Housing Report TOPIC: Seniors , TOPIC: Tenure and Vacancy |
Census Agglomeration, Census Division, Census Metropolitan Area, Census Subdivision, Province and Territory | 2012, 2013 | |
Canadian business patterns, establishment and location counts, employment size and North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), June 2013 PRODUCT GROUP: Canadian Business Counts TOPIC: Business and Industry |
Census Agglomeration, Census Division, Census Metropolitan Area, Census Subdivision, Census Tract | 2013 | |
SHR - Table 11: Universe of Total Spaces by Date Residence Opened, 2012-2013 PRODUCT GROUP: Seniors Housing Report TOPIC: Seniors , TOPIC: Housing Type |
Census Agglomeration, Census Division, Census Metropolitan Area, Census Subdivision, Province and Territory | 2012, 2013 | |
SHR - Table 14: Average Rent of Standard Spaces by Unit Type and Date Residence Opened, 2012-2013 PRODUCT GROUP: Seniors Housing Report TOPIC: Seniors , TOPIC: Housing Type , TOPIC: Tenure and Vacancy |
Census Agglomeration, Census Division, Census Metropolitan Area, Census Subdivision, Province and Territory | 2012, 2013 | |
Canadian Taxfilers, 2011 PRODUCT GROUP: Taxfiler (T1FF) - Financial Data and Charitable Donations TOPIC: Taxfilers |
Census Agglomeration, Census Division, Census Metropolitan Area, Census Tract, Forward Sortation Area, Postal City, Province and Territory, Rural Community | 2011 | |
Canadian Investors, 2011 PRODUCT GROUP: Taxfiler (T1FF) - Financial Data and Charitable Donations TOPIC: Savings and Investments |
Census Agglomeration, Census Division, Census Metropolitan Area, Census Tract, Forward Sortation Area, Postal City, Province and Territory, Rural Community | 2011 | |
RRSP Contributors, 2011 PRODUCT GROUP: Taxfiler (T1FF) - Financial Data and Charitable Donations TOPIC: Savings and Investments |
Census Agglomeration, Census Division, Census Metropolitan Area, Census Tract, Forward Sortation Area, Postal City, Province and Territory, Rural Community | 2011 | |
SHR - Table 3: Vacancy Rate & Average Rents of Heavy Care Spaces, 2012-2013 PRODUCT GROUP: Seniors Housing Report TOPIC: Seniors , TOPIC: Tenure and Vacancy |
Census Agglomeration, Census Division, Census Metropolitan Area, Census Subdivision, Province and Territory | 2012, 2013 | |
SHR - Table 6: Universe (%) of Standard Spaces by Rent Range, 2012-2013 PRODUCT GROUP: Seniors Housing Report TOPIC: Seniors , TOPIC: Tenure and Vacancy |
Census Agglomeration, Census Division, Census Metropolitan Area, Census Subdivision, Province and Territory | 2012, 2013 | |
SHR - Table 9: Universe of Total Spaces by Unit Type, 2012-2013 PRODUCT GROUP: Seniors Housing Report TOPIC: Seniors , TOPIC: Housing Type |
Census Agglomeration, Census Division, Census Metropolitan Area, Census Subdivision, Province and Territory | 2012, 2013 | |
SHR - Table 12: Proportion of Structures where Select Services are Available By Structure Size, 2012-2013 PRODUCT GROUP: Seniors Housing Report TOPIC: Seniors , TOPIC: Location of Housing |
Census Agglomeration, Census Division, Census Metropolitan Area, Census Subdivision, Province and Territory | 2012, 2013 | |
Canadian Capital Gains, 2011 PRODUCT GROUP: Taxfiler (T1FF) - Financial Data and Charitable Donations TOPIC: Savings and Investments , TOPIC: Spending and Charitable Donations |
Census Agglomeration, Census Division, Census Metropolitan Area, Census Tract, Forward Sortation Area, Postal City, Province and Territory, Rural Community | 2011 | |
Canadian Savers, 2011 PRODUCT GROUP: Taxfiler (T1FF) - Financial Data and Charitable Donations TOPIC: Savings and Investments |
Census Agglomeration, Census Division, Census Metropolitan Area, Census Tract, Forward Sortation Area, Postal City, Province and Territory, Rural Community | 2011 | |
SHR - Table 1: Vacancy Rate of Standard Spaces by Unit Type, 2012-2013 PRODUCT GROUP: Seniors Housing Report TOPIC: Seniors , TOPIC: Housing Type , TOPIC: Tenure and Vacancy |
Census Agglomeration, Census Division, Census Metropolitan Area, Census Subdivision, Province and Territory | 2012, 2013 | |
SHR - Table 4: Universe, Number of Residences and Residents, 2012-2013 PRODUCT GROUP: Seniors Housing Report TOPIC: Seniors , TOPIC: Location of Housing |
Census Agglomeration, Census Division, Census Metropolitan Area, Census Subdivision, Province and Territory | 2012, 2013 | |
SHR - Table 7: Percent Vacant for Total Spaces by Unit Type, 2012-2013 PRODUCT GROUP: Seniors Housing Report TOPIC: Seniors , TOPIC: Housing Type , TOPIC: Tenure and Vacancy |
Census Agglomeration, Census Division, Census Metropolitan Area, Census Subdivision, Province and Territory | 2012, 2013 | |
SHR - Table 10: Universe of Total Spaces by Size of Residence, 2012-2013 PRODUCT GROUP: Seniors Housing Report TOPIC: Seniors , TOPIC: Location of Housing |
Census Agglomeration, Census Division, Census Metropolitan Area, Census Subdivision, Province and Territory | 2012, 2013 |
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