Highest certificate, diploma or degree (15), age groups (8B), major field of study - Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) 2011 (14), labour force status (8), location of study compared with province or territory of residence (6), attendance at s PRODUCT GROUP: NHS, 2011 - Education and labour TOPIC: Highest Certificate, Degree or Diploma , TOPIC: Location of Study , TOPIC: Major field of study , TOPIC: School Attendance , TOPIC: Labour Force |
Census Division, Province and Territory |
2011 |
Health indicators, two-year period estimates, by age group and sex, Canada, provinces, territories, census metropolitan areas and influence zones, ongoing (biennial) PRODUCT GROUP: Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS) TOPIC: Health |
Province and Territory, Census Metropolitan Area |
2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 |
Health indicators, two year period estimates, by age group and sex, Canada, provinces, territories, health regions (2012 boundaries) and peer groups, ongoing (biennial) PRODUCT GROUP: Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS) TOPIC: Health |
Province and Territory, Health Region |
2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 |
Mother tongue (10), first official language spoken (5), employment income statistics in 2010 (7), immigrant status and period of immigration (9), highest certificate, diploma or degree (10), age groups (8B) and sex (3) for the population aged 15 years and PRODUCT GROUP: NHS, 2011 - Immigration and ethnocultural diversity TOPIC: Ethnic Origin , TOPIC: Immigration , TOPIC: Highest Certificate, Degree or Diploma , TOPIC: Individual Income |
Census Agglomeration, Census Metropolitan Area, Province and Territory |
2011 |
Mother tongue (8), first official language spoken (5), language used most often at work (8), other language used regularly at work (9), language spoken most often at home (8) and population by immigrant status and selected places of birth (66), for the po PRODUCT GROUP: NHS, 2011 - Immigration and ethnocultural diversity TOPIC: Immigration , TOPIC: Language |
Census Agglomeration, Census Metropolitan Area, Province and Territory |
2011 |
Selected demographic, cultural, educational, labour force and income characteristics (688), mother tongue (4), age groups (8d) and sex (3) for the population, NHS, 2011 PRODUCT GROUP: NHS, 2011 - Immigration and ethnocultural diversity TOPIC: Language , TOPIC: Labour Force , TOPIC: Individual Income |
Census Agglomeration, Census Division, Census Metropolitan Area, Census Subdivision, Province and Territory |
2011 |
Aboriginal identity (8), age groups (20), area of residence: Inuit Nunangat (7) and sex (3) for the population in private households, NHS, 2011 PRODUCT GROUP: NHS, 2011 - Aboriginal peoples TOPIC: Aboriginal Peoples , TOPIC: Aboriginal and Reserve Housing |
Province and Territory |
2011 |
Detailed knowledge of Aboriginal languages (79), knowledge of languages: single and multiple language responses (3), Aboriginal identity (8), Registered or Treaty Indian status (3), Aboriginal mother tongue (11), area of residence: on reserve (3) and age PRODUCT GROUP: NHS, 2011 - Aboriginal peoples TOPIC: Aboriginal Peoples , TOPIC: Language , TOPIC: Aboriginal and Reserve Housing |
Province and Territory |
2011 |
Census family status (12), Aboriginal identity (8), area of residence: Inuit Nunangat (7), age groups (8A) and sex (3) for the population in private households, NHS, 2011 PRODUCT GROUP: NHS, 2011 - Aboriginal peoples TOPIC: Aboriginal Peoples , TOPIC: Families , TOPIC: Aboriginal and Reserve Housing |
Province and Territory |
2011 |
Highest certificate, diploma or degree (10), Registered or Treaty Indian status (3), Aboriginal identity (8), major field of study - Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) 2011 (82), attendance at school (3), age groups (8B) and sex (3) for the po PRODUCT GROUP: NHS, 2011 - Aboriginal peoples TOPIC: Aboriginal Peoples , TOPIC: Highest Certificate, Degree or Diploma , TOPIC: Major field of study , TOPIC: School Attendance |
Census Agglomeration, Census Metropolitan Area, Province and Territory |
2011 |
Ethnic origin (264), single and multiple ethnic origin responses (3), generation status (4), age groups (10) and sex (3) for the population in private households, NHS, 2011 PRODUCT GROUP: NHS, 2011 - Immigration and ethnocultural diversity TOPIC: Ethnic Origin |
Census Agglomeration, Census Metropolitan Area, Province and Territory |
2011 |
Mother tongue (8), language spoken most often at home (8), other language spoken regularly at home (9), first official language spoken (5), immigrant status and period of immigration (11) age groups (12) and sex (3) for the population in private household PRODUCT GROUP: NHS, 2011 - Immigration and ethnocultural diversity TOPIC: Immigration , TOPIC: Language |
Census Agglomeration, Census Metropolitan Area, Province and Territory |
2011 |
Detailed mother tongue (158), generation status (4), knowledge of official languages (5), number of non-official languages spoken (5), age groups (10) and sex (3) for the population in private households, NHS, 2011 PRODUCT GROUP: NHS, 2011 - Immigration and ethnocultural diversity TOPIC: Language |
Province and Territory |
2011 |
Religion (19), age groups (10), sex (3), selected demographic, cultural, labour force and educational characteristics (268) for the population in private households, NHS, 2011 PRODUCT GROUP: NHS, 2011 - Immigration and ethnocultural diversity TOPIC: Religion , TOPIC: Labour Force |
Census Agglomeration, Census Metropolitan Area, Province and Territory |
2011 |
Mother tongue (8), knowledge of official languages (5), highest certificate, diploma or degree (15), labour force status (8), immigrant status and period of immigration (11), age groups (10C) and sex (3) for the population aged 15 years and over in privat PRODUCT GROUP: NHS, 2011 - Immigration and ethnocultural diversity TOPIC: Immigration , TOPIC: Language , TOPIC: Highest Certificate, Degree or Diploma , TOPIC: Labour Force |
Census Agglomeration, Census Metropolitan Area, Province and Territory |
2011 |
Selected demographic, cultural, educational, labour force and income characteristics (730), first official language spoken (4), age groups (8D) and sex (3) for the population, NHS, 2011 PRODUCT GROUP: NHS, 2011 - Immigration and ethnocultural diversity TOPIC: Language , TOPIC: Labour Force , TOPIC: Individual Income |
Census Agglomeration, Census Division, Census Metropolitan Area, Census Subdivision, Province and Territory |
2011 |
Selected demographic, educational, labour force and income characteristics (72), mother tongue (4), immigrant status and period of immigration (10), age groups (8D) and sex (3) for the population, NHS, 2011 PRODUCT GROUP: NHS, 2011 - Immigration and ethnocultural diversity TOPIC: Immigration , TOPIC: Language , TOPIC: Labour Force , TOPIC: Individual Income |
Census Agglomeration, Census Division, Census Metropolitan Area, Census Subdivision, Province and Territory |
2011 |
Aboriginal identity (8), age groups (20), Registered or Treaty Indian status (3) and sex (3) for the population in private households, NHS, 2011 PRODUCT GROUP: NHS, 2011 - Aboriginal peoples TOPIC: Aboriginal Peoples |
Census Agglomeration, Census Metropolitan Area |
2011 |
Knowledge of Inuit languages (10), knowledge of languages: single and multiple language responses (3), Aboriginal identity (8), mother tongue - detailed Inuit languages (15), area of residence: Inuit Nunangat (7), age groups (8) for the population in priv PRODUCT GROUP: NHS, 2011 - Aboriginal peoples TOPIC: Aboriginal Peoples , TOPIC: Language , TOPIC: Aboriginal and Reserve Housing |
Province and Territory |
2011 |
Aboriginal identity (8), housing suitability (6), condition of dwelling (4), number of persons per room (5), Registered or Treaty Indian status (3), area of residence (10) and age groups (10) for the population in private households, NHS, 2011 PRODUCT GROUP: NHS, 2011 - Aboriginal peoples TOPIC: Aboriginal Peoples , TOPIC: Aboriginal and Reserve Housing , TOPIC: Housing Affordability , TOPIC: Housing Type |
Province and Territory |
2011 |