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Displaying 1501 - 1520 of 1630 Products, sorted by post date
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F-09: Labour income profile of couple families, 2006
PRODUCT GROUP: Taxfiler (T1FF) - Income of Families
TOPIC: Families , TOPIC: Marital Status , TOPIC: Family and Household Income
Census Agglomeration, Census Division, Census Metropolitan Area, Forward Sortation Area, Postal City, Province and Territory, Rural Community 2006
F-12: Employment insurance by age group and gender, 2006
PRODUCT GROUP: Taxfiler (T1FF) - Income of Families
TOPIC: Employment Insurance
Census Agglomeration, Census Division, Census Metropolitan Area, Forward Sortation Area, Postal City, Province and Territory, Rural Community 2006
F-15: Census family units and children by age of children, 2006
PRODUCT GROUP: Taxfiler (T1FF) - Income of Families
TOPIC: Children and Youth , TOPIC: Families
Census Agglomeration, Census Division, Census Metropolitan Area, Forward Sortation Area, Postal City, Province and Territory, Rural Community 2006
F-01: Summary table, 2006
PRODUCT GROUP: Taxfiler (T1FF) - Income of Families
TOPIC: Taxfilers
Census Agglomeration, Census Division, Census Metropolitan Area, Forward Sortation Area, Postal City, Province and Territory, Rural Community 2006
F-04: Distribution of total income by census family type and age, 2006
PRODUCT GROUP: Taxfiler (T1FF) - Income of Families
TOPIC: Families
Census Agglomeration, Census Division, Census Metropolitan Area, Forward Sortation Area, Postal City, Province and Territory, Rural Community 2006
F-07: Economic dependency profile of couple families, 2006
PRODUCT GROUP: Taxfiler (T1FF) - Income of Families
TOPIC: Families , TOPIC: Marital Status , TOPIC: Economic Dependency
Census Agglomeration, Census Division, Census Metropolitan Area, Forward Sortation Area, Postal City, Province and Territory, Rural Community 2006
F-10: Labour income profile of lone-parent families and persons not in Census families, 2006
PRODUCT GROUP: Taxfiler (T1FF) - Income of Families
TOPIC: Families , TOPIC: Lone-parent families , TOPIC: Single People , TOPIC: Individual Income
Census Agglomeration, Census Division, Census Metropolitan Area, Forward Sortation Area, Postal City, Province and Territory, Rural Community 2006
F-13: Single-earner and dual-earner Census families by number of children, 2006
PRODUCT GROUP: Taxfiler (T1FF) - Income of Families
TOPIC: Families , TOPIC: Single-earner and Dual-earner Families
Census Agglomeration, Census Division, Census Metropolitan Area, Forward Sortation Area, Postal City, Province and Territory, Rural Community 2006
F-17: Before-tax low income, 2006
PRODUCT GROUP: Taxfiler (T1FF) - Income of Families
TOPIC: Individual Income , TOPIC: Low income
Census Agglomeration, Census Division, Census Metropolitan Area, Forward Sortation Area, Postal City, Province and Territory, Rural Community 2006
F-02: Family characteristics, by family type and age group, 2006
PRODUCT GROUP: Taxfiler (T1FF) - Income of Families
TOPIC: Families
Census Agglomeration, Census Division, Census Metropolitan Area, Forward Sortation Area, Postal City, Province and Territory, Rural Community 2006
F-05: Census families by total income and by number of children, 2006
PRODUCT GROUP: Taxfiler (T1FF) - Income of Families
TOPIC: Children and Youth , TOPIC: Families
Census Agglomeration, Census Division, Census Metropolitan Area, Forward Sortation Area, Postal City, Province and Territory, Rural Community 2006
F-08: Economic dependency profile of lone-parent families and persons not in census families, 2006
PRODUCT GROUP: Taxfiler (T1FF) - Income of Families
TOPIC: Families , TOPIC: Lone-parent families , TOPIC: Single People , TOPIC: Economic Dependency
Census Agglomeration, Census Division, Census Metropolitan Area, Forward Sortation Area, Postal City, Province and Territory, Rural Community 2006
F-11: Labour income by age group and gender, 2006
PRODUCT GROUP: Taxfiler (T1FF) - Income of Families
TOPIC: Individual Income
Census Agglomeration, Census Division, Census Metropolitan Area, Forward Sortation Area, Postal City, Province and Territory, Rural Community 2006
F-14: Husband-wife families by percentage of wife's contribution to husband-wife employment income, 2006
PRODUCT GROUP: Taxfiler (T1FF) - Income of Families
TOPIC: Families , TOPIC: Marital Status , TOPIC: Family and Household Income
Census Agglomeration, Census Division, Census Metropolitan Area, Forward Sortation Area, Postal City, Province and Territory, Rural Community 2006
F-18: After-tax low income, 2006
PRODUCT GROUP: Taxfiler (T1FF) - Income of Families
TOPIC: Individual Income , TOPIC: Low income
Province and Territory, Postal City, Rural Community, Census Metropolitan Area, Census Division, Census Agglomeration, Forward Sortation Area 2006
Labour force activity (8), highest certificate, diploma or degree (14), major field of study - classification of instructional programs, 2000 (73), age groups (9) and sex (3) for the population 15 years and over, Census, 2006
PRODUCT GROUP: Census, 2006 - Education
TOPIC: Highest Certificate, Degree or Diploma , TOPIC: Major field of study , TOPIC: Labour Force
Census Agglomeration, Census Metropolitan Area, Province and Territory 2006
Occupation - National Occupation Classification for Statistics 2006 (11), highest certificate, diploma or degree (7), major field of study - classification of instructional programs, 2000 (14), age groups (9) and sex (3) for the employed labour force...
PRODUCT GROUP: Census, 2006 - Education
TOPIC: Highest Certificate, Degree or Diploma , TOPIC: Major field of study , TOPIC: Labour Force , TOPIC: Type of Work and Occupation
Census Division, Census Subdivision, Province and Territory 2006
High school certificate or equivalent (12), labour force activity (8), age groups (10a) and sex (3) for the population 15 years and over, Census, 2006
PRODUCT GROUP: Census, 2006 - Education
TOPIC: Highest Certificate, Degree or Diploma , TOPIC: Labour Force
Census Agglomeration, Census Metropolitan Area, Province and Territory 2006
Immigrant status and period of immigration (9), work activity in 2005 (14), highest certificate, diploma or degree (7), age groups (9) and sex (3) for the population 15 years and over, Census, 2006
PRODUCT GROUP: Census, 2006 - Education
TOPIC: Immigration , TOPIC: Highest Certificate, Degree or Diploma , TOPIC: Type of Work and Occupation
Census Agglomeration, Census Division, Census Metropolitan Area, Census Subdivision, Census Tract, Custom Geographies, Dissemination Area, Province and Territory 2006
Mother tongue (8), labour force activity (8), highest certificate, diploma or degree (7), knowledge of official languages (5), age groups (9) and sex (3) for the population 15 years and over, Census, 2006
PRODUCT GROUP: Census, 2006 - Education
TOPIC: Language , TOPIC: Highest Certificate, Degree or Diploma , TOPIC: Labour Force
Census Agglomeration, Census Metropolitan Area, Province and Territory 2006