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Displaying 1141 - 1160 of 1630 Products, sorted by post date
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SHR - Table 7: Percent Vacant for Total Spaces by Unit Type, 2012-2013
PRODUCT GROUP: Seniors Housing Report
TOPIC: Seniors , TOPIC: Housing Type , TOPIC: Tenure and Vacancy
Census Agglomeration, Census Division, Census Metropolitan Area, Census Subdivision, Province and Territory 2012, 2013
SHR - Table 10: Universe of Total Spaces by Size of Residence, 2012-2013
PRODUCT GROUP: Seniors Housing Report
TOPIC: Seniors , TOPIC: Location of Housing
Census Agglomeration, Census Division, Census Metropolitan Area, Census Subdivision, Province and Territory 2012, 2013
Permanent Residents Rounded Data Cube, 2012
PRODUCT GROUP: Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada data
TOPIC: Immigration
Province and Territory, Census Subdivision, Census Metropolitan Area, Census Division, Census Agglomeration 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012
SHR - Table 13: Proportion of Structures with Access to Selected Amenities By Structure Size, 2012-2013
PRODUCT GROUP: Seniors Housing Report
TOPIC: Seniors , TOPIC: Housing Type
Census Agglomeration, Census Division, Census Metropolitan Area, Census Subdivision, Province and Territory 2012, 2013
Charitable Donations, 2011
PRODUCT GROUP: Taxfiler (T1FF) - Financial Data and Charitable Donations
TOPIC: Spending and Charitable Donations
Census Agglomeration, Census Division, Census Metropolitan Area, Census Tract, Forward Sortation Area, Postal City, Province and Territory, Rural Community 2011
Low Income Lines, Tables 1-4, 2011-2012
PRODUCT GROUP: Low Income Lines
TOPIC: Low income
Census Agglomeration, Census Metropolitan Area, Province and Territory 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012
Commuting flow - Census subdivisions: Sex (3) for the employed labour force aged 15 years and over having a usual place of work, for census subdivisions, flows greater than or equal to 20, NHS, 2011
PRODUCT GROUP: NHS, 2011 - Education and labour
TOPIC: Labour Force , TOPIC: Place of Work
Census Division, Census Subdivision, Province and Territory 2011
Occupation - National Occupational Classification (NOC) 2011 (11), highest certificate, diploma or degree (15), major field of study - Classification of Instructional Programs (cip) 2011 (82), age groups (13B) and sex (3) for the employed labour force age
PRODUCT GROUP: NHS, 2011 - Education and labour
TOPIC: Highest Certificate, Degree or Diploma , TOPIC: Major field of study , TOPIC: Labour Force , TOPIC: Type of Work and Occupation
Census Agglomeration, Census Division, Census Metropolitan Area, Province and Territory 2011
Labour force status (8), visible minority (15), immigrant status and period of immigration (10), highest certificate, diploma or degree (7), age groups (13b) and sex (3) for the population aged 15 years and over, in private households, NHS, 2011
PRODUCT GROUP: NHS, 2011 - Education and labour
TOPIC: Immigration , TOPIC: Visible minority , TOPIC: Highest Certificate, Degree or Diploma , TOPIC: Labour Force
Census Agglomeration, Census Metropolitan Area, Province and Territory 2011
Major field of study - Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) 2011 (432), highest certificate, diploma or degree (7), age groups (8B) and sex (3) for the population aged 15 years and over in private households, NHS, 2011
PRODUCT GROUP: NHS, 2011 - Education and labour
TOPIC: Highest Certificate, Degree or Diploma , TOPIC: Major field of study
Census Metropolitan Area, Province and Territory 2011
Secondary (high) school diploma or equivalent (14), labour force status (8), Aboriginal identity (8), area of residence: on reserve (3), Registered or Treaty Indian status (3), age groups (13B) and sex (3) for the population aged 15 years and over in priv
PRODUCT GROUP: NHS, 2011 - Education and labour
TOPIC: Aboriginal Peoples , TOPIC: Highest Certificate, Degree or Diploma , TOPIC: Aboriginal and Reserve Housing , TOPIC: Labour Force
Province and Territory 2011
Highest certificate, diploma or degree (15), age groups (8B), major field of study - Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) 2011 (14), labour force status (8), location of study compared with province or territory of residence (6), attendance at s
PRODUCT GROUP: NHS, 2011 - Education and labour
TOPIC: Highest Certificate, Degree or Diploma , TOPIC: Location of Study , TOPIC: Major field of study , TOPIC: School Attendance , TOPIC: Labour Force
Census Division, Province and Territory 2011
Occupation - National Occupational Classification (NOC) 2011 (693), major field of study - Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) 2011 (432), highest certificate, diploma or degree (10) and age groups (8C) for the population aged 15 years and over
PRODUCT GROUP: NHS, 2011 - Education and labour
TOPIC: Highest Certificate, Degree or Diploma , TOPIC: Major field of study , TOPIC: Type of Work and Occupation
Province and Territory 2011
Selected sociocultural and education characteristics (64), labour force status (8), occupation - National Occupational Classification (NOC) 2011-skill-level category (7), highest certificate, diploma or degree (7), location of study compared with province
PRODUCT GROUP: NHS, 2011 - Education and labour
TOPIC: Aboriginal Peoples , TOPIC: Immigration , TOPIC: Language , TOPIC: Highest Certificate, Degree or Diploma , TOPIC: Location of Study , TOPIC: Labour Force , TOPIC: Type of Work and Occupation
Census Agglomeration, Census Metropolitan Area, Province and Territory 2011
Labour force status (8), mobility status 5 years ago (8), highest certificate, diploma or degree (7), occupation - National Occupational Classification (NOC) 2011 (13B), occupation - National Occupational Classification (NOC) 2011-skill-level category (7)
PRODUCT GROUP: NHS, 2011 - Education and labour
TOPIC: Highest Certificate, Degree or Diploma , TOPIC: Mobility , TOPIC: Labour Force , TOPIC: Type of Work and Occupation
Census Agglomeration, Census Metropolitan Area, Province and Territory 2011
Language used most often at work (8), other language used regularly at work (9), language spoken most often at home (8), immigrant status (4) and place of work census division (296) for the population aged 15 years and over who worked since 2010
PRODUCT GROUP: NHS, 2011 - Education and labour
TOPIC: Immigration , TOPIC: Language , TOPIC: Place of Work
Census Division, Province and Territory 2011
Components of migration (in- and out-): mobility 5 years ago (7), mother tongue (8), age groups (16) and sex (3) for migrants aged 5 years and over in private households, NHS, 2011
PRODUCT GROUP: NHS, 2011 - Mobility and migration
TOPIC: Language , TOPIC: Mobility
Census Agglomeration, Census Metropolitan Area, Province and Territory 2011
Place of work status (5), industry - North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) 2007 (102), sex (3) and age groups (11) for the employed labour force aged 15 years and over in private households, NHS, 2011
PRODUCT GROUP: NHS, 2011 - Education and labour
TOPIC: Business and Industry , TOPIC: Labour Force , TOPIC: Place of Work
Census Agglomeration, Census Division, Census Metropolitan Area, Province and Territory 2011
Province or territory of residence 1 year ago (14), mother tongue (8), age groups (17B) and sex (3) for the interprovincial migrants aged 1 year and over in private households, NHS, 2011
PRODUCT GROUP: NHS, 2011 - Mobility and migration
TOPIC: Language
Province and Territory 2011
Occupation - National Occupational Classification (NOC) 2011 (691), class of worker (5), age groups (13B) and sex (3) for the employed labour force aged 15 years and over, in private households, NHS, 2011
PRODUCT GROUP: NHS, 2011 - Education and labour
TOPIC: Labour Force , TOPIC: Type of Work and Occupation
Census Agglomeration, Census Division, Census Metropolitan Area, Province and Territory 2011