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CSDS Executive Committee Meeting Wednesday June 9th at 11:00am EST (8:00 PST, 9:00 MST, 10:00 CST) Call in number: 1-877-727-8553 / Access Code: 108111962# ALL PRESENT. Agenda 1. CCSD Update - Comments on Roundtable: While the meeting brought together some key Federal government players, the Executive Committee is looking for clarification on where the process is going - STC is putting together a report of the meeting, to be followed by a debrief with CCSD (and FCM) - Since the meeting, there has been follow-up between CCSD and some of the Federal agencies, such as CIHI and CIC, in terms of their interest in supporting CCSD and the CSDS. - Other progress since May: Strategic Directions were defined; Structure of Working Groups was defined, and two WGs Data Access/Purchase and Training/Capacity Building have already met. - Peggy’s efforts are and have been focused on securing resources, including core funding, for CCSD and the CSDS. Various applications are in process. Peggy hopes to report on status of funding support over the summer. - ACTION: Report of meeting to be shared with CSDS consortia as soon as it is received by CCSD. OTHER ACTION ITEMS: - Peggy to follow-up with ExeCom regarding status of any planned changes to 2011 Census questionnaire. - “Income Trends in Canada” product has been discontinued as a free product. Data WG to look into status of annual income data, and whether CSDS should be acquiring annual income data, and whether there are other instances of data series being discontinued; Similar question about status of PALS survey. 2. Review/Confirm Strategic Priorities - Working Groups: 2 have met (Data & Training); 2 others are yet to meet (Sharing & Partnerships) - ACTION: Derek to initiate the Partnership Working Group – Leigh Golden is the other member; - ACTION: Michel to provide Derek and Leigh with update on marketing activities, including a report on the meeting with the Kingston group. - Jean Issery to be invited to participate in the next call. - We also need to address the email management issue. We need a combination of traditional email, with a web-presence for all key documents. - ACTION: Drop the webmail. Purpose is to facilitate forwarding of email from an email address that denotes each WorkingGroup (i.e.; and provide a place on the CSDS website for documents. 3. Review/Confirm Workplan - The workplan is to become a reference document, to be used to update Consortium Leads on a quarterly basis. - The Working Groups serve as a means for regular engagement of consortium leads in relation to the workplan, as the workplan is structured in terms of the four strategic priorities; and the working groups support each of the four strategic priorities. - In terms of sustainability: should the CCSD website ever go off-line, the CSDS website remains fully functional. The two are not inter-dependent. Documentation is being prepared both for a future person IT person and for CSDS consortium members. If CCSD were to cease functioning, there would be a period of several months where CCSD was decommissioned. - The workplan requires a couple of additions: - ACTION: CCSD to include in the workplan an item which deals with partnerships in support of report preparation, including a national report and provincial reports. This item would fall under Strategic Direction #4. - ACTION: CCSD to include an item to the workplan which sees CCSD using CSDS data to respond to key issues in support of communications. This would fall under Strategic Direction #3, Sharing Stories. An example is supporting communication around the 25-5 poverty reduction initiative in Ontario. Reflects a more strategic use of the information available to the CCSD via the CSDS. This item is something to be addressed via the Sharing Stories working group. 4. Review/Confirm Budget & Business Model - The analysis of projected CSDS project requirements point to an annual non-data project budget of approximately $300,000. Based on current revenue streams, CSDS Consortia Fees account for $21,000 per annum. This represents an annual shortfall of $278,000+, or 16,377 per consortium. - This shortfall would be addressed through various means: Increasing non-data portion of consortia fees retained by CCSD, increasing the number of consortia, seeking some mix of grant funding/sponsorship. - From a fund-raising point of view, we need to present the budget more strategically, and be more specific and detailed. At present, it comes across as a very admin-heavy project. - Revisit the budget once we have allocated funding by Strategic Direction; including working groups in the discussion of budgeting - In-kind contributions can now be quantified as well - Wording of budget items need to be massaged to be more funding-agency friendly - Budget can also be reflected in terms of 5-year TOTALS, e.g. a 5-year revenue gap. - ACTION: In terms of fund-raising, demonstrate budgeting in terms of the four strategic directions plus project management, with more detail. - Business Model discussion to be deferred until the budget is refined. - Some items to discuss for future reference:
  • How much individual consortia should contribute to non-data costs
  • How community consortia collect costs from individual members. CSDS does not benefit financially where individual community consortia grow. 5. Recruitment Update: Update on Kingston CSDS Membership; and plans for Maritime Provincial engagement - On the invitation of the City of Kingston, Michel and a member of the Ottawa consortium presented the CSDS project to a group of City of Kingston staff and voluntary sector organizations regarding possible CSDS membership. - The group is very serious about membership, and posed several questions that CCSD/CSDS should be able to answer when meeting with other communities. - These questions related to the existing data inventory, and an easy to understand overview of the kinds of tables available to a consortium - Action for Training WG: user friendly guides – both technical and general info on tables. “If I’m paying for CSDS membership, WHAT DO I GET). - ACTION: Harvey will do the initial cut on a guide – once he can get the full inventory. 6. Other Business: Revised Consortium Leads Schedule a. ExeCom: Second Wednesday of every month 1:30pmEST b. Leads: Third Thursday on a Quarterly basis, beginning in September. c. PEGGY to include the new schedule in an email to be sent out ASAP OTHER ACTION: - Peggy to craft a cover note regarding status of CCSD and the CSDS. That email will include a revised schedule of meetings. - Minutes of May 20 EX meeting to be shared with leads, once the email from Peggy has gone out - Follow-up with Peggy regarding CCSD Board meeting and presentation/discussion on CSDS Governance/Budget 7. Next Meeting - ExeCom: Wednesday, July 14, 1:30pmEST (2nd Wed in July)