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Here is a preliminary copy of the requested Community Data Catalogue, containing information on approximately 30 selected data sources.

Note that Statistics Canada collects data from over 300 active surveys.  The sample sizes and target populations differ for each one of them.  Many of these surveys are designed for national and provincial level estimates and are not designed for lower levels of geography. We may be able to produce sub provincial data on an ad hoc basis, depending on sample size and our assessment of data quality.

If you have a data request from a specific survey, we can inquire on a case by case basis to determine the level of geography available.

Here is a link to Statistics Canada's survey for your quick reference:

I am also sending a link of a useful reference document entitled Your Guide to Data Sources on Census-related Topics:               
If you are not already receiving a subscription to the Daily, you may want to consider obtaining the latest information from Statistics Canada on the subjects of your choice, delivered to you immediately upon release.